Practical Mindset Radio Show with Guest, Dr. Aly Cohen – August 15, 2022

This month I was joined by guest, Dr. Aly Cohen, The Smart Human who talked with us about living healthy in a world full of chemicals. She is a board-certified rheumatologist and integrative medicine physician, as well as an environmental health specialist. Her medical practice, located in Princeton, New Jersey, focuses on the western medical and integrative approaches to a variety of health conditions in both adults and children, including rheumatologic disorders, arthritis, chronic pain, immune system dysfunction, environmental health, and nutrition consultation. Dr. Cohen has co-authored the book, Non-toxic: Guide to Living Healthy in a Chemical World.

On the show, we will talk about how Dr. Cohen’s beloved Golden Retriever, Truxton, was the impetus to her changing direction in her medical career where she now focuses on environmental health. We’ll talk about environmental exposures and how we got into the pickle we’re in! She will explain how the human endocrine immune system is disrupted by chemical exposures and how to minimize these exposures. Dr. Cohen will also help us understand how we can make simple changes to improve not only our personal health but the health of our home by eliminating everyday toxins.

Listen below.

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