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New moms have enough on their plates—they don’t need to waste time scrambling for a clean diaper, digging through piles of dirty clothes, or hunting down a lost binky. With plenty of books on the market telling moms what they need to buy, it’s easy to have it all—but where to put it all?

Finally, mothers-to-be can say goodbye to clutter with The Organized Mom: Simplify Life for You and Baby, One Step at a Time by Stacey Crew, Certified Health Coach & Organizing Expert. Using her GOPACK method, Crew teaches mothers how to Group Objects, Purge, Assign, Contain, and Keep It Up, making preparing for baby a cinch.

A must-have toolkit for new mothers, The Organized Momhelps you get organized and regain control of your life—all while spending more precious time with their little ones. This truly unique handbook turns harried moms into happy ones!

Binkies, burp cloths & bottles

There are plenty of books to tell mom what to buy to get ready for baby, but where to put it all? When the baby’s wailing, it’s not the time to be rummaging for diapers (only to realize they’re all gone), washing bottles, or searching for that lost binky.

Room-by-Room Guidance

Providing specific room-by-room guidance—from floor plans and diagrams to shopping lists and design ideas—The Organized Mom has everything new mothers need to prepare their homes for baby, including:

❖ More than 20 forms for daily, weekly, and monthly planning

❖ Resources directing parents to more information

❖ Solutions from real-life moms- and dads-to-be

MBK Laundry

The Organized Mom is the perfect guide for a busy first-time mother. It breaks down the concept into easy-to-understand, manageable tasks that will change your way of thinking and make for a much smoother lifestyle. Less time on laundry and cleaning—more time with my family!"

Terry Haas, HGTV's Designed to Sell

Great read for any new mom looking to organize and prepare herself, home, and nursery for the little one on the way! The Organized Mom outlines “real mommy tips and techniques” that include the list of “must have’s” for each room in the house, what you need and how to organize the nursery, down to just what to pack in the hospital suitcase. 

Deborah Shearer, Vice President,

A must-have resource that provides step-by-step advice for new or expectant moms who want to be organized throughout their homes, from the nursery to the utility closet. Each chapter provides detailed instructions on what you'll need for each room in the house... helpful and reassuring advice for new/expectant moms on what to buy, what to wear, and what to borrow. I wish I had this book when I was expecting my first child!

Nina Restieri, President, MomAgenda 

Everything you need to know, including answers to questions you might never have thought to ask! Whether you’re expecting your first or your fifth baby, you’ll be glad you read this book.

Donna Smallin, Bestselling author of The One-Minute Organizer A to Z Storage Solutions

If you are looking for clarity and peace of mind, this is the book for you. Stacey Crew shows you that getting ready for baby doesn’t have to be overwhelming, but can be fun and exciting. So get ready and GOPACK!

Kimberley Clayton Blaine, MA, MFT, author, Mommy Confidence: 8 Easy Steps to Reclaiming Balance, Motivation and Your Inner Diva

As a pediatrician who is dedicated to simplifying the lives of new moms, this book is number one on my list. The Organized Mom provides a blueprint not just for organizing the nursery, but for organizing their new lives. Crew keeps the focus on what is most important—creating uncluttered spaces to live in, and opening up time to enjoy being a new parent.

Mary Ann LoFrumento, MD, pediatrician, and author of Simply Parenting: Understanding Your Newborn and Infant

An organizing essential! Clear and concise, Stacey Crew makes doesn’t only make the task of organizing the home for baby less daunting, she makes it sound fun. The strategies in this book will give new parents the ability to spend less time organizing and cleaning, and more time enjoying parenthood.

Bridgette Raes, Bridgette Raes Style Group, author of Style Rx: Dressing the Body You Have to Create the Body You Want

Stacey Crew is every new mom’s personal assistant. She guides new moms through what they need and how to use it to make their life easier. The Organized Mom is a commonsense approach to guarantee stress-free days in the chaotic world of motherhood.

Mary Jo Rulnick, author of The Frantic Woman’s Guide Series 

The Organized Mom takes an overwhelmed new mom by the hand and walks her calmly toward more streamlined living. The book is chock full of helpful suggestions that will inspire the way moms think about storing all the gear that comes with a new baby. You'll find helpful tips for how to organize the spaces baby impacts most. 

Christina Katz, Writer Mama, How to Raise a Writing Career Alongside Your Kids  

Navigating through ‘mommyhood’ can be challenging and a whirlwind of confusion. The Organized Mom will help you organize your life, declutter your house and mind, and keep your sanity. As a mom of two, with another on the way, I know that I will NEED to implement Stacey’s strategies to help keep some semblance of order in our house and more importantly, in my LIFE!

Melissa Leonard, Etiquette/Protocol Consultant, Establish Yourself 

As a work-at-home mom with a young child, I always need good ideas for making my house and my life more organized. The Organized Mom provides plenty of practical advice for how to organize before your baby arrives as well as useful tips for those of us who already have children.

Holly Fisher, freelance writer/editor, the Green Office Blog 

The Organized Mom includes helpful surprises, like a glossary of baby items, decorating ideas for the nursery, and home and nursery checklists. A must-read for new moms and moms-to-be - it makes an ideal shower gift!

Christina Katz, Writer Mama, How to Raise a Writing Career Alongside Your Kids  
Stacey Crew headshot




Stacey Crew is a Certified Health Coach, organizing expert & published author based in Denver, Colorado. She supports individuals in achieving balance by providing guidance & setting wellness goals to live a more fulfilling lifestyle. Read more here.

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