Practical Mindset Radio Show with Sarah Parisi – Clear Clutter & Create Ease In Your Life

My guest today was Sarah Parisi, owner & founder of The Clutter Curator, an organizing & productivity company based in Chicago, Illinois. Sarah shares with us how after living in New York City for eight years, then spending four months decompressing in Bali, her outlook on life changed and she began living a more intentional and present lifestyle. While in Bali, Sarah experienced life with less and was surrounded by people who were happy without a lot of belongings.

Informed by a dual background in project management and interior design, Sarah has an innate skillset to make the act of decluttering approachable and attainable. She enjoys space planning and creating functional spaces that energize her clients. After working with an amazing life coach who taught her to let go of the non-physical clutter, she was inspired to share that freedom with her clients. 

Sarah and her team ask the all-important questions to clients such as “what do you really need to support your current lifestyle.” Since we go through many seasons in our lifetime, organizing is much about acquiring skills and making habit changes, so one can easily transition to the new phase of life without being stopped in their tracks and asking the question such as: “what do I do with all this stuff that I no longer need?”

Sarah shares that she wants her clients to feel empowered in spaces they can easily maintain once they’re organized. To easily get started on decluttering, she and her team recommend starting small with one category so it doesn’t feel overwhelming and success can be achieved. Doing so helps to build confidence and motivation to move forward.

You can find Sarah Parisi here:

The Clutter Curator



The original broadcast was Produced by Jay Cruz on Thank you, Jay!

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